Saturday, June 11, 2011

Update 06/11/2011

In an effort to make the current state of my development environment configuration clear, I will describe the steps I've taken (separate from other diagnostic experiments I have conducted) to set up the development environment for the Wigwam project.  they are listed below.  Keep in mind, these steps are based on the documentation provided in the Userguide.html provided as part of the jogl library contained in the file on the svn server (a screen shot of the actual jogl installation instructions is given below):

Based on these instructions I took the following steps:

1.  Add a library to the NetBeans Wigwam project call JOGL that references the jogl.jar file.
2.  Add a library to the NetBeans Wigwam proejct called GLUEGEN-RT that references the gluegen-rt.jar file.
3.  Add a directory to the PATH environment variable (Windows Vista is the OS) that contains the following files:


These steps produce the environment that allow compilation but not proper execution - the view of the launch.html produces the x box (no applet) shown in the prior post on 06/09.  What step(s) am I missing?  Any comments are much appreciated.  Thank you!!!!!

Looking at possible addition of entries in the NetBeans environment for PATH (but this shouldn't be needed given we're dealing with an applet running in a browser, not actual NetBeans runtime).

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